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Let me ask you a question.

If you had a something that was amazing
and you could share it, what would you do?

If you said YES please continue.

A Ambassador shares an Insider link and

Saves people a lot of $$  in Florida and worldwide.
Makes Money Sharing.

People are SHOCKED at the savings. Insiders get the lowest hotel rates. Period.

You get FREE lifetime access.


How it works in 3 easy steps!
  1. Your private link shares access to our Insider membership area. It is loaded with deals. The hottest area is where people save a lot of money on hotels, worldwide. has the lowest rates.
  2. You make money each time a person joins our Insider VIP Program which costs $59 for lifetime membership.
  3. You get free lifetime access to all our discounts. Hotels worldwide, tickets, shows and more.

Q: How do I start to make $?
A: You get your personal lifetime access to the VIP area. We want you to be excited about hotel deals we have. If you are excited about how much people can save, worldwide, then you will want to share.

Q:How much does it cost to become a Ambassador
A: It is free for qualified people. 

Q: How do I share?
A: You will get a unique link that you share. It gives people 30 days of free access to VIP section. Normal access is  anywhere from 3 to 14 days.

Q:How do you keep track of my referrals?
A:You are emailed each time a person signs up. You are emailed if they buy a membership. There is also the information in your user dash on

Q:How often do you pay me?

Q: How do you help me?
A: Once a person is signed up, we keep them informed of the deals we have. We do not spam. Anyone can decide not to get the emails. However, by keeping people informed we find they sign up, and therefore you make money.

Q: Is this only hotel deals?
A.Not at all. has a wealth of information about what to do in every part of Florida. In addition as stated above we have deals to a lot of other Florida things to do and more. Bottom line  is vacations are expensive. will help people save money.

Q: How much can I make?
A: You make between $10-$20 per client. Whether they join right away or in 1 year or more, they are your customer, as long as you are active sharing. Active means we see you at least 1 person per month from your referral links.
1. Tell us about yourself *This question is required.
Not so much
A bit
I have a blog or website.
I am active on social media.
I love Florida and want to share with anyone I know.
I am a people person.
If I could save people a lot of money, and make money doing it, I would be excited.
2. We have 3 levels of Ambassadors. Which do you like the best?
  • Social Butterfly: make $10 when people sign up to our Insider Program.
  • Blogger or Website owner: Makes $15 for each signup.
  • Florida Enthusiast: Makes $20 for each signup.

Please choose your level. *This question is required.
4. Yes! I want to be a Ambassador. *This question is required.
5. Do you have a Paypal address?
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